I first saw you.
You had on blue jeans.
Your eyes couldn’t hide anything.
I saw you breathing
And I saw you staring out in space.
I next saw you, you was at a party.
Thought you wasn’t cool, oh so flirty.
I came against.
Didn’t say excuse.
You knew what I was doing,
We looked very fine ’cause we were leaving.
Like Saint Joan, doing a cool, cool jerk
Oh I want you, Oh I want you… like a kangaroo…
Author: Hugo Gameiro
I run Masto.host, a fully managed hosting solution for Mastodon instances and Nuvens.pt, a Portuguese hosting service for websites.
mastodon | email
I’m sentimental
So I walk in the rain
I’ve got some habits
even I cant explain
Go to the corner
and I end up in Spain
Why try to change me now?
I seat and day dream
I got day dreams galore
Cigarette ashes that they go on the floor
Go away weekend
Leave my keys in the door
Why try to change me now?
Why cant I be more conventional
People talk and they stay… So I try
But that cant be
cos I cant see
my strange little world
just go passing me by
let people wonder
let them laugh let them frown
you know I love you
till the moon is upside down
don’t you remember
I was always your clown
Why try to change me now?
Why cant I be more conventional
People talk and they stay…. So I try
But that cant be
cos I cant see
my strange little world
just go passing me by
let people wonder
let them laugh let them frown
you know I love you
till the moon is upside down
don’t you remember
I was always your clown
Why try to change me?
Why would you want to change me?
Why try to change me now?
A Tribute To Cy Coleman
Serradura – Mário de Sá Carneiro
A minha vida sentou-se
E não há quem a levante,
Que desde o Poente ao Levante
A minha vida fartou-se.
E ei-la, a mona, lá está,
Estendida, a perna traçada,
No infindável sofá
Da minha Alma estofada.
Pois é assim: a minh’Alma
Outrora a sonhar de Rússias,
Espapaçou-se de calma,
E hoje sonha só pelúcias.
Vai aos Cafés, pede um bock,
Lê o “Matin” de castigo,
E não há nenhum remoque
Que a regresse ao Oiro antigo!
Dentro de mim é um fardo
Que não pesa, mas que maça:
O zumbido dum moscardo,
Ou comichão que não passa.
Folhetim da “Capital”
Pelo nosso Júlio Dantas –
Ou qualquer coisa entre tantas
Duma antipatia igual…
O raio já bebe vinho,
Coisa que nunca fazia,
E fuma o seu cigarrinho
Em plena burocracia!…
Qualquer dia, pela certa,
Quando eu mal me precate,
É capaz dum disparate,
Se encontra a porta aberta…
Isto assim não pode ser…
Mas como achar um remédio?
– Pra acabar este intermédio
Lembrei-me de endoidecer:
O que era fácil – partindo
Os móveis do meu hotel,
Ou para a rua saindo
De barrete de papel
A gritar “Viva a Alemanha”…
Mas a minh’Alma, em verdade,
Não merece tal façanha,
Tal prova de lealdade…
Vou deixá-la – decidido –
No lavabo dum Café,
Como um anel esquecido.
É um fim mais raffiné.
Serradura – Mário de Sá Carneiro
Paris – Setembro 1915
After the recent Mayday update to Google SERP I decided to have a look into how much was the long tail keywords influenced by this.
Long tail keywords are normally keywords with 3 or more words. To track it down I used the following regular expression: [^\s\+]+(\s|\+)+[^\s\+]+(\s|\+)+[^\s\+]+
Steps inside Google Analytics. Traffic Sources->Search Engines->Google->Non paid
On the filter keyword [containing] I input the regular expression: [^\s\+]+(\s|\+)+[^\s\+]+(\s|\+)+[^\s\+]+
After I just tracked down the last 3 month number of visits with and without filtering the long tail and calculated the % value of the longtail.
long tail keywords/total organic = % of the value for the long tail
5 minutes and I realised that mayday update did *not* influence my sites long tail keywords.
Hope that helps and if someone knows of a simpler or more effective way to do this I would love to know.